Hurrah! I just got to do one of my favorite things..... teaching a class at Sew Unique in Mountain Home, Arkansas.
Not only is Sew Unique the BEST place to teach (great room set up, lots of space to work for each student, good display space for samples for class) but the students who come there to classes are some of my favorite fellow ARTISTS. We learn a lot together.
Special thanks to Debby for having this beautiful store and for letting me teach there.
This class was about using color in art quilts. Using color with fabric is different than using color with paint. We used the color black as the background and some of my little bird drawings as patterns.
Here are my sample quilts - - - Each of the quilts is about 9 x 12 inches.
One of the lessons was to find a piece of fabric that "spoke" to you and then find fabrics to work with that fabric. Another lesson was how to relate quilts in a series - common theme (can you guess what it is?), along with common colors in all of the quilts.
Once I made the original little quilts shown above with my very bright colors, I thought that perhaps not every person in the world would like to work with those colors. So I made three more - in earth tones.
And I also love them! Even though they are not my crayon colors. I think they are rather sophisticated. If you can think about whimsical birds being sophisticated.....
In the class we studied how using different fabrics with the exact same pattern produced such a different LOOK and personality to the little birds. If you are looking at this blog, I placed the photos in line so that you could compare.

And of course then I had to think about folks who might want to work in pastels.... or use a different background. And these are the samples that joined the class....
The second one uses the exact same fabrics that were in the earth tone bird on the black background. What a difference.
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