Sunday, November 11, 2018

Some Days Are Like That!

This is a busy time of year and I have been distracted by things other than fabric art projects.  Lots of household tasks and lots of working on paper - painting little pictures and things like that.

Actually I have felt like my "muse" has taken a vacation for a while.  Do you have a Creative Muse?  I feel her presence whenever I am creating happily away in my studio.  Or just sitting somewhere with ideas for projects bombarding my imagination.  She is distinctly THERE or..... sometimes.... not.

So when she is away (presumably on a warm beach relaxing in the sun and drinking an umbrella drink) I miss her.  But I find other things to catch up on.  But ---- then I really want her to return and inspire me.  To do that I try to find a simple project with fabric that will get the creative juices flowing.

The picture above is what I worked on to do that this week.  It will be a lovely banner to hang between two trees in our front yard to welcome folks.  You can see what happens when my muse is away on vacation!

I was actually feeling quite happy with my little self when I finished sewing all the flags to string that would act as a hanger.  Until I held it up and realized...... oops!  I started laughing out loud.  I don't make mistakes like that!  I sent a photo to several friends to give them a laugh as well.

And then of course I fixed it today.  I do believe that Life has a grand way of reminding a person (especially when she is feeling sort of proud of herself) that she too is a bit goofy and silly at times.

1 comment:

  1. On my!!! Well yrreM Christmas to you, too! Love walking backwards improves our memory or possibly I remembered that wrong��
