Thursday, June 3, 2021

Collage Experiments

I'm still working through the painting class lessons.  Oh my they are strange and interesting.

This one required taking the small faces from the first lesson and tearing them into pieces.  Yup.  Tearing them apart.



Well I didn't really like them very much so that was OK with me.  In general you tear the mouth off and then tear between the eyes and down the nose.

These are three of the faces after they are torn but then the pieces are put back in place.  I wanted to have a clear record of the process.

Pieces of these three faces were then used to make the face on the left below.  If you look closely you can find the features.  The face on the right is just one face torn in half down the middle.

 The goal of the exercise is to take each of these "new" faces and use paint to create new paintings.

And this is how they turned out.

And ..... now I'm not sure what to do with them.  The one on the right doesn't look all that different but I sort of like her and wonder if she would be a good quilt character.  I've never made a portrait that is only half way there and wonder how to do the borders....  hmmmmmmm.........

The one on the left looks OK but I don't really "like her" much so I think she will just hang out on my design board.

So do I think this experiment was a success and a way to find new creative designs?  Not certain yet.  We'll see.  I will post any quilts that are born of this experiment.

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