Sunday, January 24, 2021

A new idea to play with...

Did you know that I am selling a few things through the Marketplace in Calico Rock?  Yup.  My art NEEDED  to get out of the closet and be seen by real human beings.  And with the Pandemic in 2020 there were very few ways to accomplish this.

AND the Marketplace is owned by the Calico Rock Museum (one of my favorite places) AND they had a space by the front door AND they were willing to let me display my art.

So - it was meant to be!

This is an example of one of my latest projects for them.  This is a collage on an 8x8 inch wooden panel (1 1/2 inch profile cradled panel).  Which means that the piece stands on its own or can be hung on the wall.

The name of this one is Grace.  She is colorful and sweet and makes me smile.  Some of the other ones you will see are a bit snarky and funny.

So where did all these bits of paper that make up this design come from?  My many drawers of paper bits and collage materials that I have been collecting for 20 years.  It was really fun to find ways to actually use them - again they were just itching to get OUT of the drawers and to find a way to be SEEN.

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