Tuesday, February 9, 2021

 Moving from Paper and Fusing to Fabric

 And here he is fused onto that black piece of fabric you saw in the first post about this project.  The outline on the black fabric helps  to place the pieces correctly.  

I made some changes to the eyes and next to the nose before I moved all the pieces over.  It is easier to make the changes before you fuse the pieces down.  Although  I have at times fused a different piece over  the first one.  Maybe I will do that with his chin..... we'll see.

My next decision is whether or not to add hair.  He is just so stunning all by his bald little self that I am tempted to just leave him.  I also need to decide whether he will stay on a black background or move to a different fabric.

But he is starting to develop some personality.  And here is the thing that you don't know - there is still a lot of not just stitching (which adds a huge amount of definition) but also paint that will be added.  I'll tell you more about that as I add both of these details and can show you photos of the various stages to compare.

As I look at this photo I can see that the eyes are different sizes.... but that does reflect the actual painting so I am going to embrace this quirky feature on this guy.  He needs a name.... hmmmmm......



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