Wednesday, December 26, 2018

Winter - Finally

I finished the last quilt of my Earthwise Series. 

The last post that I made of this series was Fall on September 30.  Wow did it ever take a long time for me to finally get around to completing this series.

I have thought about why it took so long.  I think that it was choosing fabric that looked like Winter.  I kept thinking "blue and icy" but could not find fabric that inspired me.  And I was, frankly, scared to cut out the snowflakes with the Scan'nCut.  What would I do if the snowflakes did not work?

Amazing what fear can make one avoid trying. 

Anyway.  Here is the finished quilt.  I know the angle is a bit weird.  That is because all five of the Earthwise Series are hung along the stairway.  It is the only wall in the house that was large enough to hold them.  I like the way they look together and I am happy the series is finished. 

You may not be able to tell the sparkle of the fabric but there is a LOT of shiny sparkle in all of the fabrics.  Especially the snowflakes that are actually a fusible vinyl that is especially made for the Scan'nCut machine.  And the machine worked like a DREAM.  SO easy.  What a joy.  It actually makes me think about how to add more of this type of design to future quilts.

And here is a photo of all the quilts together on the wall


  1. And you reached the finish line!! They are all winners and, so too, are you. I love the snowflakes on winter and appreciate you sharing - I envision these all on the front cover of one of the famous artsy magazines. Bravo!!

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